Why us

Why us :

You can find a lot of affordable and great offers on the Internet. There are, however, several issues that you always have to take under consideration:

  • Do not trust in lowest prices (the professional A/C system maintenance and repair service cannot be done that way). By buying a voucher or getting some discount you don’t really know what service you’ll get.
  • Re-gas or re-charge offers only refill the refrigerant (the refill itself may not be complete, which has a negative impact on the air-con system. Leaving the old refrigerant is not a good idea as it contains water where the bacteria and fungi can grow. This results in a costly and hard-to-remove odour. Water also implies faster appearance of rust which may unseal the A/C system.
  • In a cheaply-priced offer you’ll get no info on the necessity of adding oil to make the compressor work fine (too high and too low level of the appropriate oil may cause compressor malfunction and this means additional costs. Finally, the entire recovery of old refrigerant from system, recharge of the A/C system with fresh refrigerant, full visual inspection, temperature and leak check, etc., will have to be performed at a professional and experienced specialist.
  • Common and popular dealers and A/C workshops always offer to leave your car for the whole day. Even if you have an appointment at a particular hour you’ll probably have to wait a bit. A standard price is about £30.


Summing up the above points – isn’t it better to stay at home and let the professionals come to your place and take care of your A/C system whenever you want?