

DSC00042 - CopyIn a well-maintained air-conditioning system it suffices to properly do the fresh refrigerant re-charge service to effectively stop the grow of fungi and mould.

Our recovery of old refrigerant from the system in which fungi, mould, viruses, bacteria and microbes grow is a cheap and effective solution as it creates vacuum which draws all of them out. We then add a new refrigerant to ultimately get rid of the problems and make the A/C system work fine.

Cleaning the air-con system is quite complex and time-consuming. If the cabin filter has been regularly replaced it should not contain dust. If there is dust it should be pressure-cleaned sucking out the dust so that the car interior remains clean.

Unfortunately, the A/C system is not a straight pipe  and there is no possibility of connecting the pipe entered through the ventilation bars to the closed loop and then to the evaporator, condenser and dryer.

If the odour in the car is irritant the only effective way of getting rid of it is to remove the dryer and cleanig in by ozonation. In the worse case it may need to be replaced by a new one. It is, therefore, best to care for the regular maintenance of the air-conditioning system in your car.